Unity round ended health / progress bar

Tadas A
6 min readOct 19, 2020

I recently started working on my new mobile game UI and I am using a few progress and indication bars. As my game UI feel is round and soft I needed to make my progress bar’s to have the same roundness to them. That’s where I ran into a problem, cause there is really no resources for making such a progress bar with a rounded end. Well there are some, but they are either too complicated, which I don’t like or they don’t really look too good. So for some time I have made due with the basic straight ended progress bar’s, but always had in mind and my trello board to someday solve this problem. And so one day the time had come to tackle this problem and it turns out it is not that hard and the results are pretty good, there is some tinkering involved, but nothing too complicated. Basically it does not require code to make the end of your progress bar rounded, like you might find in some other progress bar tutorial videos or articles. I also need to note that this is only for straight progress bars.

Okay, let’s get started.

First let’s prepare our sprite assets, open up your favourite image editor, I am using photoshop and let’s create the main part for the round ended bar. I am doing a…

